Thursday, April 14, 2016

Special Education

Michigan Criteria for Determining the Existence of a Specific Learning Disability

Each local educational agency and public school academy in Michigan isrequired to publicly post the process used to determine the existence of a Specific Learning Disability(SLD), in accordance with the May 14, 2010 Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education-Early Intervention Services (OSE-EIS) memorandum #10-07. Consistent with this requirement and theregulatory requirements in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), and the MichiganAdministrative Rules of Special Education (MARSE), Hart Public School reports the following:
For determination of a SLD, a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW)process is used for students in kindergarten through 12th grade for the skill areas of OralExpression, Listening Comprehension, Written Expression, Basic Reading, ReadingComprehension, Reading Fluency, Math Calculation, and Math Problem Solving. As the district’s elementary levels continue to make strides toward theimplementation of a Response to Scientific, Research-based Intervention Process (RTSRBI), the interventiondata (along with other assessments and observations) will be considered for determining SLDeligibility under the PSW Process.

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