Thursday, April 14, 2016

Education Powered by Compassion

What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? 
~Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Welcome to the Charter for Compassion International page for Partners in the Education sector.  Here’s what you will find on this page:
  • What role does Education play in supporting the global movement for compassion?
  • How does an Education Organization or Institution become a Partner of the Charter for Compassion International?
  • What groups or organizations are already Partners in the Education sector?

What role does Education play in supporting the global movement for compassion?

Cultivating Compassion in the Classroom
Cultivating compassion in educational settings, and creating the kind of culture where it is a norm of student and staff behavior, may seem at first a noble ideal: a nice-to-have, something to be undertaken only when all other priorities are met. Yet we now have the evidence to show that a school’s ability to foster real learning, indeed to fulfill its fundamental purpose, depends on its ability to do just that.
More and more schools and educational organizations/groups are acting on this evidence and creating compassion-filled learning environments. Students and adults alike thrive when their social and emotional needs are met, when they feel a sense of belonging, when they feel their voices are welcomed and heard. Choosing to uphold the principles of compassion is central to a school’s ability to create a caring and inclusive culture and climate, to nurture a strong moral identity among those who walk through its doors, and to invite deep participation and learning.

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