Saturday, April 16, 2016


PACT believes strong schools are a key to a fruitful future for our communities. We work with administrators, teachers and parents to improve the quality of education for students and to increase parent involvement at local schools. Our approach is to train parents to become advocates for the education of their children. 
We have a long history of working on local and state education issues.  In the past, PACT has helped congregations set up tutoring and support programs to help students in the learning process and to better link families to schools. 
Delta Community College:  PACT is working with the San Joaquin Immigrant Youth Collective to create increased opportunities for all youth to attain the post high school education that opens doors.  We are especially targeting those who face the greatest challenges including undocumented students, students who because of poverty or other social issues are not able to move seamlessly from high school through higher education. Student leaders have been meeting with Delta Administration to improve services to these students.

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