Thursday, April 14, 2016

Do you know how to invest to your Children future

 UOB Malaysia was developing a new campaign to drive the Investment Banking business unit further. This campaign aims to increase investments for unit trust products as well as insurance products.
One of the insights we received from Client was that people needed to be educated about investments to reduce their fear of risks. Another insight revealed that the general public needs a motivator to invest. People need a strong reason to put away some money, or to endure delayed gratification.
Research shows people start investing when they approach the age of 30. Consumers from this age group have more disposable incomes and begin to plan for their future. This also happens to be the time where they begin to build a full nest, and need to provide for the children’s education needs. Hence, Client identified education as the main theme of the campaign.
Here in Malaysia, tertiary education continues to be a major expense for adolescents. The urban society shares a view that private colleges and foreign universities are better than the local, governmental ones. The exorbitant fees are seen as a necessity rather than luxury, and many parents do save up for this purpose.
Using this insight, our message strategy prompted us to ask Malaysian public this question – Are you ready for your children’s education? The pay-off is simple. If you’re not, UOB will be there to help you to be. Which led us to create one of the most thought-provoking campaigns for Malaysian parents.
Are you ready for your children’s future?
Do you know how to invest for your children’s future?
Have you planned for your child’s education?
These are some of the provocative headlines we used, written on a chalkboard with different version of kids, dressing up as adults. There were 4 main visuals – a doctor, a baker, a violinist and finally, a businessman. The visually arresting artworks forced people to stop and think of what their children could potentially become – with their financial help, of course. And how easily these dreams could be dashed, if the parents did not take vital steps to save and invest.

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