Saturday, April 16, 2016


[10/03/2016]“Securing democracy through education” The development of a Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture” - Brussels, 11-12 April 2016 
About the conference
In line with the Action Plan adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 May 2015, it is proposed that the theme of the Ministerial Conference be "Securing democracy through education” The development of a Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture” and that possible solutions, based on the principles of the Council of Europe, to the challenges in implementing citizenship education at national, European and global levels are put forward.

Signposts – Policy and practice for teaching about religions and non-religious world views in intercultural education

cover of the signposts bookHow can the study of religions and non-religious world views contribute to intercultural education in schools in Europe? 
Signposts goes much further by providing advice to policy makers, schools (including teachers, senior managers and governors) and teacher trainers on tackling issues arising from the recommendation.


The next revolution in education will couple far more advanced computational technologies with far deeper knowledge about human cognition, including dramatically more effective constructivist and active instructional strategies. The impact of such a revolution will encompass not only new modes of learning and pedagogy, but new organizational systems for education. In particular, advances in computing research stand to achieve open access of global educational resources and the reuse, repurposing, and sharing of such resources.

Technologies such as user models, mobile tools, networking tools, serious games, intelligent environments, educational data mining, and rich interfaces—collectively—will help us personalize education, assess student learning, support social learning, diminish boundaries, develop alternative teaching strategies, enhance the role of many different stakeholders, and address policy changes.


PACT believes strong schools are a key to a fruitful future for our communities. We work with administrators, teachers and parents to improve the quality of education for students and to increase parent involvement at local schools. Our approach is to train parents to become advocates for the education of their children. 
We have a long history of working on local and state education issues.  In the past, PACT has helped congregations set up tutoring and support programs to help students in the learning process and to better link families to schools. 
Delta Community College:  PACT is working with the San Joaquin Immigrant Youth Collective to create increased opportunities for all youth to attain the post high school education that opens doors.  We are especially targeting those who face the greatest challenges including undocumented students, students who because of poverty or other social issues are not able to move seamlessly from high school through higher education. Student leaders have been meeting with Delta Administration to improve services to these students.


Right now, across the nation, it’s a fact that the current education system is failing. This is not fresh news. One in nine children leave high school with a 5th grade academic performance level. Educators realize there is a problem, yet despite the grave consequences of these low levels of academic performance, the predicament persists and grows. We all know that it is easy to absolve ourselves and point a finger, and over decades, in every state and every school there have been many people who started out with good intentions that were eventually singled out to take the blame. 

Higher Education Legal Insights

Though directed at K-12 schools, the guidance—particularly the model contract terms—can be readily translated to the college and university setting. The model contract terms address issues including data collection, use, redisclosure and destruction; the Department provides explanations for the recommended terms. The guidance also acknowledges that such terms may not be required by FERPA or other privacy laws, but indicates institutions should consider them as best practices.
In suggesting these model terms, the guidance calls on schools to consider the privacy challenges posed by “click wrap” terms of service agreements—contracts that get created when a user (usually thoughtlessly) clicks on an “I accept” or similar button. These challenges can include express waivers of privacy law protections as well as terms allowing the provider to share data indiscriminately or change terms unilaterally. Institutions may be able to override these pre-set terms through negotiation.

The Condition of Education

This website has the key indicators of the condition of education in the United States. These indicators summarize important developments and trends using the latest statistics and are updated as data become available. A Congressionally mandated annual report on these indicators is provided to the White House and Congress each year.
In addition, this website has Spotlights on issues of current policy interest. These Spotlights take a more in-depth look at the issues through text, graphics and short videos.


The Adult Education program at the Skeetchestn Indian Band is once again up and running for another year. Starting Wednesday, September 30th in the basement of the QHS Health building, every Wednesday & Thursday from 10:00am to Noon, upgrading courses and courses leading to the Grade 12 Adult Dogwood Diploma will be offered through School District #73. This is an opportunity to work at your own pace, with the help of certified teachers, as you pursue your educational goals. Below are a list of some of the courses that are available to you at no cost:
Basic Math & English upgrading courses (Grades 2-8 level) Math 11 Apprenticeship & Workplace Communications 12 & English 12 First Nations 12 Foods 12 Family Studies 12 Law 12 Physical Education 12 Comparative Civilization 12 Geography 12
For more information about the program contact Pete Grinberg